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What we
Student Enrichment
Founded by a master teacher who witnessed the transformational process of extent learning, Southern Educational Resources seeks to maximize student opportunities to travel and experience learning through immersion. Custom trips tailor made to the objective of the program or school taking the trip are our forte.
Southern Educational Resources has access to some of the most superb teachers in the industry. We go to the source of educational excellence for your educational professional development or school improvement initiatives. Why rely on researchers or someone with limited teaching experience when you can have the best in education?
National Academies
We have some exceptional students. They deserve the opportunity to learn above and beyond the classroom. These emerging industry leaders need to be nurtured to self actualize their potential. We create learning catalyst that stimulate extraordinary student aspiration. The genesis begins with educational or professional institution support.
DR. Thomas Washburn
Southern Educational Resources was founded by Dr. Thomas Washburn. With over three decades of experience in education, Dr. Washburn has the knowledge and network to address any need. Washburn was awarded the Stanford University Sterling Award for Academic Achievement, the Atlanta Journal and Constitution Millennium Honor Teacher, the American Bar Association Lawyers Auxiliary Educators Award of Excellence and over 20 other honors.